Autism is the name given to neurodevelopmental disorders, where some babies fail to develop language and social interaction as they grow up, like babies typically do. Usually there are deficits in development in a whole host of areas, including attention span, memory recall, reflexes, fine motor skills, avoidance of eye contact with people, repetitive behavior, narrow interests, obsessive compulsive disorder among others. As a result of the vast array of deficits, these disorders are called the Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD). The causes of Autism are actually pretty straight forward. Contrary to popular belief where it is relegated to unknown causes, Autism is truly caused as a result of 2 major occurrences during birth.
1 ) Hypoxic brain injury in the final weeks of pregnancy or during birth.
2) Traumatic brain injury due to certain hospital birth interventions.
There tend to be certain other pregnancy and birth related causes like maternal infections, medications, premature birth etc., that also contribute a small fraction of cases. Any genetic reasons for neurodevelopment deficits tend to have their own names and typically run in families or are the result of known genetic damage with incidence throughout human history and should not be considered autism. Some such names include , Downs syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, Rhett's syndrome and so on. These tend to be extremely rare, much rarer than the incidence of autism and usually affect more than just brain functions. There are more details about autism causes a couple of sections below.
1 ) Hypoxic brain injury in the final weeks of pregnancy or during birth.
2) Traumatic brain injury due to certain hospital birth interventions.
There tend to be certain other pregnancy and birth related causes like maternal infections, medications, premature birth etc., that also contribute a small fraction of cases. Any genetic reasons for neurodevelopment deficits tend to have their own names and typically run in families or are the result of known genetic damage with incidence throughout human history and should not be considered autism. Some such names include , Downs syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, Rhett's syndrome and so on. These tend to be extremely rare, much rarer than the incidence of autism and usually affect more than just brain functions. There are more details about autism causes a couple of sections below.
Autism is truly a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders mainly characterized by persistent deficits in speech and language development, beginning in early childhood. The diagnosis involves a series of criteria as laid out by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The criteria are available from the CDC website
One impediment to early diagnosis of autism is the fact that autism is typically diagnosed by a child psychologist ( i.e. someone who is a Phd in psychology) or a Psychiatrist MD specializing in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders. Regular pediatricians are not trained in autism diagnosis. Regular pediatricians look for other developmental milestones like height, weight, head circumference etc, which kids that end up on the spectrum typically meet or exceed. Additionally, kids that suffer traumatic brain injury at birth, tend to retrogress in acquired skills after bouts of sickness or live virus vaccinations, thus making early diagnosis even more difficult. Its unfortunately up to the parents to watch out for the symptoms early on. Parents need to bear in mind that neurodevelopmental disorders are correlated with the length of time spent in labor and in the birth canal after amniotic rupture, birth interventions and other birth and pregnancy complications like premature birth and watch out for the symptoms, so appropriate diagnosis and interventions can be applied early on.
Based on a small autism birth data set collected by Autism PI founder and author Dinesh Danny, we conclude that about half of all autism numbers comes from Pitocin abuse by Obstetricians during birth. When obstetricians induce mothers without adequate cervix preparation and engage in long hours of induction it causes traumatic brain injury in the baby. Strong induced labor contractions, hammering a baby head-first against a cervix that refuses to dilate, tends to cause brain white matter injury, which later manifests as neurodevelopmental disorders. Such injury is further compounded by live vaccines as we will discuss later.
The second most common cause is Hypoxia at birth particularly from nuchal cords around the babys neck that go undetected. We estimate about 25% of all autism comes from nuchal cord related issues. Vertical Divider
Maternal complications during pregnancy like infections, medications, obesity, high blood pressure, improperly controlled gestational diabetes, uterine and placenta complications and inability of mother's body to support the baby in the third trimester, premature birth, meconium aspiration etc. contribute about 15% of autism numbers.
A final 10% can be attributed to genetic disorders that include neurodevelopmental deficits. Genetic disorders occur almost exclusively as a result of in-breeding within a population and many of these rare occurrences are actually well understood and involve symptoms that are usually a lot different from the brain damage consequences seen in Autism. These typically should not even be considered autism.
A final 10% can be attributed to genetic disorders that include neurodevelopmental deficits. Genetic disorders occur almost exclusively as a result of in-breeding within a population and many of these rare occurrences are actually well understood and involve symptoms that are usually a lot different from the brain damage consequences seen in Autism. These typically should not even be considered autism.
Pitocin abuse and Autism
Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone found in both males and females of all mammals. In humans it is secreted into the blood stream by the pituitary gland located in the brain stem. It acts as both a hormone in the body and a neurotransmitter in the brain. This dual functionality is made possible by the fact that the Oxytocin molecule is fairly large and it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier protecting the brain from harmful chemicals. Oxytocin derives its name from oxytocic a Greek word for compounds that are known to cause quick birth. It does this by causing contraction movements in the uterus. It became the first hormone to be synthesized in a lab in 1955 and it has become the most prominent tool in modern birth interventions. It's role as a neurotransmitter is made possible by its secretion into the brain side of the blood brain barrier by certain Oxytocin projecting neurons. Various different effects of this body hormone acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain are being discovered in recent times.
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Structure and Composition of the Oxytocin molecule.
A popular commercial name for synthetically manufactured Oxytocin is Pitocin. It is the most commonly used drug in maternity wards across the world. Pitocin's common and most important use is to stop bleeding in the mothers uterus after birth, at the site where the placenta was attached to the uterus. It achieves this by making the uterus quickly contract, causing the gaping wound at the site of placental attachement to shrink with it, thereby helping the body seal off the site of the bleeding. It is credited with saving the lives of thousands of women around the world by stopping them from bleeding to their deaths after birth, right in their delivery wards.
Outside this "postpartum"(after birth) use, Pitocin is also used in inducing birth in cases where natural contractions that happen during birth do not come on or are very slow. Its use for this purpose in cases of necessity was approved by the US FDA in 1980. It also coincides with the time when the incidence of autism in the US started its meteoric rise and there is a correlation! The contractions that come on by the artificial uterine motility caused by Pitocin are much stronger and do not happen alongside the effacement of the cervix unlike natural contractions. Once the amniotic fluid is lost, the head of the baby receives hammering blows to it with every Pitocin induced contraction, causing Traumatic brain injury. When this is allowed to go on beyond a certain amount of time the brain damage becomes permanent and irreversible. Typically this kind of injury is not detected by the fetal monitors that are only designed to detect hypoxia. Additionally the possibility of hypoxic injury by reduction of the efficiency of the placenta in keeping the baby supplied with oxygen due to the crushing effect of the strong induced contractions of the uterus on the placenta, leading to fetal distress and hypoxic brain damage. These are typical causes of autism by Pitocin abuse. Obstetricians are supposed to know these details and intervene at the right times, but many of them remain ignorant of these dangers.
A careful review of the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) sanctioned Pitocin label brings these dangers to light. The Pitocin package insert label containing the warnings and adverse reactions shown below is also available from the FDA page here - FDA approved Pitocin package insert
Outside this "postpartum"(after birth) use, Pitocin is also used in inducing birth in cases where natural contractions that happen during birth do not come on or are very slow. Its use for this purpose in cases of necessity was approved by the US FDA in 1980. It also coincides with the time when the incidence of autism in the US started its meteoric rise and there is a correlation! The contractions that come on by the artificial uterine motility caused by Pitocin are much stronger and do not happen alongside the effacement of the cervix unlike natural contractions. Once the amniotic fluid is lost, the head of the baby receives hammering blows to it with every Pitocin induced contraction, causing Traumatic brain injury. When this is allowed to go on beyond a certain amount of time the brain damage becomes permanent and irreversible. Typically this kind of injury is not detected by the fetal monitors that are only designed to detect hypoxia. Additionally the possibility of hypoxic injury by reduction of the efficiency of the placenta in keeping the baby supplied with oxygen due to the crushing effect of the strong induced contractions of the uterus on the placenta, leading to fetal distress and hypoxic brain damage. These are typical causes of autism by Pitocin abuse. Obstetricians are supposed to know these details and intervene at the right times, but many of them remain ignorant of these dangers.
A careful review of the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) sanctioned Pitocin label brings these dangers to light. The Pitocin package insert label containing the warnings and adverse reactions shown below is also available from the FDA page here - FDA approved Pitocin package insert
THE PITOCIN LABEL - Contra-indications and Adverse Reactions
Inspite of it being a natural hormone, the Pitocin drug package insert label comes with a long list of contraindications and dangerous adverse reactions. It is administered exclusively in a hospital setting due to the dangers involved and the need to monitor the mother and baby during induction. Pitocin (Oxytocin injection) is used as a continuous intravenous drip at certain low rate and continuously increased based on the contraction pattern to achieve a contraction pattern of three contractions (up to 5) every 10 minutes.
Antepartum use of Pitocin is contraindicated in any of the following circumstances:
- Where there is significant cephalopelvic disproportion
- In unfavorable fetal positions or presentations, such as transverse lies, which are undeliverable without conversion prior to delivery
- In obstetrical emergencies where the benefit-to-risk ratio for either the fetus or the mother favors surgical intervention
- In fetal distress where delivery is not imminent
- Where adequate uterine activity fails to achieve satisfactory progress
- Where the uterus is already hyperactive or hypertonic
- In cases where vaginal delivery is contraindicated, such as invasive cervical carcinoma, active herpes genitalis, total placenta previa, vasa previa, and cord presentation or prolapse of the cord
- In patients with hypersensitivity to the drug
The following adverse reactions have been reported in the fetus or neonate:
Notice the contraindication and Adverse outcome highlighted in red. These have been responsible for about 50% of Autism occurrence in the United States over the years. Ob/Gyns that have not understood these details have time and time again induced healthy mothers and babies beyond the point of contraindication causing traumatic brain injury in newborn babies. This permanent damage to the brain at birth later manifests itself as developmental disorders we call autism.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have had a conflicting position in private vs their public position on the Autism - Pitocin induction linkage. Their public position goes overboard trying shoot down any relationship between Pitocin induction and Autism. They put out committee opinions on their public facing "Clinical Guidance and Publications" site year after year trying to discourage anyone from making that connection. Their committee opinion No 597 seems to be more of a diversion pointing to chemical effects of a naturally occurring hormone vs talking about the physical effects of hammering a baby head first against a non dilating cervix.
However their private subscription only sites meant for obstetricians continue to stress on the importance of cervical preparation ahead of induction.
"If the cervix is not sufficiently dilated, then drugs or mechanical cervical dilators should be used to ripen the cervix before labor is induced. Once the cervix is dilated, labor can be induced with oxytocin, membrane stripping, rupture of the amniotic membrane, or nipple stimulation."
Their guidelines obviously don't go into the details of the adverse outcomes that occur when adequate cervical preparation is not done or when contraindication conditions are disregarded by Obstetricians. Unfortunately their not stating the obvious is proving to be a problem although their induction protocols restrict labour induction to 72 contractions or 4-6 hours of continuous induction at 2 or 3 contractions per 10 minutes which results in 4 or 6 hours calculating for 72 contractions. Beyond this point Obstetricians are expected to provide the "Failure to progress" diagnosis and do a C-section to avoid the brain damage outcome identified in the Pitocin labeling.
However their private subscription only sites meant for obstetricians continue to stress on the importance of cervical preparation ahead of induction.
"If the cervix is not sufficiently dilated, then drugs or mechanical cervical dilators should be used to ripen the cervix before labor is induced. Once the cervix is dilated, labor can be induced with oxytocin, membrane stripping, rupture of the amniotic membrane, or nipple stimulation."
Their guidelines obviously don't go into the details of the adverse outcomes that occur when adequate cervical preparation is not done or when contraindication conditions are disregarded by Obstetricians. Unfortunately their not stating the obvious is proving to be a problem although their induction protocols restrict labour induction to 72 contractions or 4-6 hours of continuous induction at 2 or 3 contractions per 10 minutes which results in 4 or 6 hours calculating for 72 contractions. Beyond this point Obstetricians are expected to provide the "Failure to progress" diagnosis and do a C-section to avoid the brain damage outcome identified in the Pitocin labeling.
Shedding Light on Vaccinations
If science is based on observation, numerous parents of kids that end up on the Autism spectrum recollect having observed retrogression in skills after bouts of vaccinations. In addition to autism, some parents have attributed occurrence of gut allergies, skin conditions and autoimmune disorders. These issues have been the reason there even exists an anti-vax movement inspite of the enormous success of vaccines in eliminating occurrence of diseases that have plagued humans in the not so distant past. Science has so far been unable to explain the reasons for these observations. Humans are a very diverse bunch when it comes to how people react to a certain vaccine and even after safety has been established in a large population it has been difficult to explain fringe adverse effects that continue to happen. Many vaccines are known to come with a one in a million chance of sending the recipient into anaphylactic shock. Doctors have attributed some of these reactions to unknown pre-existing conditions and at AutismPI, we believe they have been right. We believe we can explain some of the reasons why parents of spectrum kids notice these retrogressions.
Our beliefs about the causes of autism as outlined in our home page is that hypoxic and traumatic brain injury happening during birth, contributes to a significant fraction of autism occurrences. In the presence of traumatic brain injury, the interaction of viruses from vaccines and even other universally present harmless viruses enters a totally new dynamic. A damaged blood brain barrier in the brain due to traumatic injury allows viruses to gain entry into immune privileged brain areas. Their interaction with the brain results in interference with normal brain faculty development in early childhood, inflammatory responses and gut dysbiosis which contributes to a brain chemical imbalance resulting in further worsening of brain functioning and development. This kind of inflammatory response and onset of gut dysbiosis is also noticed in adult victims of Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) which provides further evidence that the symptoms suffered by children on the autism spectrum are indeed the result of TBI at birth. Thus our hypothesis is that the interaction of live vaccines with pre-existing TBI from birth is what parents are observing when they notice retrogression of skills with vaccinations.
Further reasons for why TBI at birth remains undetected to this day and why the current state of electronic fetal monitoring is inadequate at detecting TBI and the medical malpractice involved are all elaborated further by our founder Dinesh Danny in his book "Autism Answers & Action".
Further reasons for why TBI at birth remains undetected to this day and why the current state of electronic fetal monitoring is inadequate at detecting TBI and the medical malpractice involved are all elaborated further by our founder Dinesh Danny in his book "Autism Answers & Action".
At autism PI , we remain convinced of the importance of vaccines in making sure the diseases of the past do not return to haunt us. Vaccines are and will remain the foundation on which the triumph of modern medicine over viral diseases is built on. But we also acknowledge that vaccine adverse effects are a cause of concern. When it comes to vaccinating kids under 6 years old, where the period of maximum brain development occurs, we would want pediatrician's to take the following circumstances into consideration before recommending vaccinations.
- Was the mother induced for more than 4-5 hours post water break?
- Did the mother suffer from severe blood pressure/ gestational diabetes during pregnancy?
- Was the baby very premature for any reason, have NICU stay where doctors suspected neuro development issues?
- Did the mother have infections/fevers during pregnancy?
- Was the mother C-sectioned due to fetal distress of any kind?